Joseph's Blog

Joseph Juan Granados DOB 05.16.06 7lbs 1oz 19in

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Aunt Nani with Joseph

July 21st

This hand sure taste good!!


July 21st

Pout Face..

July 24th
Doesn't this make you sad???


July 21st

Grandma and her baby's....

Just Adorable

July 21st

Long Day In The Car

July 18th

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Time To Eat

Its lunch time..

Family Time

Its getting a little better...

First Time In The Pool

Not to sure about this water....

WuT Up PaTnA????

JuSt PiMpIn


Nap Time

I need my beauty sleep

Friday, July 14, 2006

Just HaNgInG OuT

July 9th

I see you looking at me!

Say ChEEzE!!!!

July 10th
Dont we look cute!

Monday, July 10, 2006

July 9th 2006

July 7th 2006
Looking just like my Daddy!!

Me and my sissy...

July 6th 2006
Joseph and Big Sis Jocelyn

I'm Cute!!

July 9th 2006

July 9th 2006 whatchu looking at????

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another Day

i just cant help but smile...

Super baby


Saturday, July 08, 2006

I lefted You a Present!?!

Hows it going?

Were Hip!

Enough is Enough

just hanging out

Proud Papa Granados

Finally peace & quiet!!!ZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzz

05.16.06... Daddy & big sister welcomes joseph